Nordic Group Nordic Group

Chris Kresser Interview

Chris Kresser was recently the speaker at a Health Icons event organised by Re-Find Health at the Royal Society of Medicine in London and sponsored by Nordic Laboratories. We met up with Chris to ask him about the role of functional medicine in shaping the future of healthcare, his adapt approach to practitioner training, the role of functional and nutrigenomic testing and what he thought of an amazing nose to tail Paleo meal held as part of the event.  View the video below to find out what Chris thought about all this and more.

In the interview we asked Chris what he thinks should be 3 key tests in any functional medicine practitioner’s toolkit, as well as his views on the role of nutrigenomic testing. To find out more about some of the tests he recommends click here. To find out more about nutrigenomic training for functional medicine practitioners click here.


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